COVID-19 Resource Center

COVID-19 Whitepapers

Pentera's National Survey Findings: Best Practices for Marketing to Planned Giving Donors During COVID-19

Pentera's newest whitepaper, "Pentera's National Survey Findings and Best Practices: Marketing to Planned Giving Donors During COVID-19," is a far-reaching analysis based on a new national survey. The whitepaper describes four best practices for marketing to donors that should be used during the pandemic—and provides dozens of real-world examples of marketing messages.

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Seven Key Suggestions for Operating Your Gift Annuity Program with Low CGA Rates and Historically Low Interest Rates

Worried about what's going to happen to your gift annuity program with low interest rates and decreasing CGA rates? This whitepaper presents seven key suggestions for helping your gift annuity program in light of the recent decrease in CGA rates ...

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Best Practices for Stewarding Planned Giving Donors During COVID-19

This whitepaper analyzes the findings of a recent Pentera survey of hundreds of planned giving departments in all nonprofit sectors across the nation. It looks at changes in stewardship strategies during the pandemic and presents best practices for stewardship.

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COVID-19 Blog Articles

COVID-19 Webinars

Russell James

Raising Major Gifts of Assets in the Aftermath of COVID-19: New Strategies for a New World

Presented by:
Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP®
Professor, The CH Foundation Chair of Personal Financial Planning
Texas Tech University

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Stacy B. Sulman, J.D.

One Year Later: Planned Giving Strategies and Vehicles One Year into COVID-19

Presented by:
Stacy B. Sulman, J.D.
Vice President for Personalized Philanthropy and Legal Affairs
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science

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Paul S. Lee

Congress, Charity, & COVID-19: Top Tax- and Estate-Planning Techniques Today

Presented by:
Paul S. Lee, J.D., LL.M.
Chief Tax Strategist
The Northern Trust Company

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Donald Kent Anne Bucciarelli, CFA

Philanthropic Giving Trends and Insights from Private Wealth Clients During COVID-19

Presented by:
Donald Kent
Principal and Financial Advisor

Anne Bucciarelli, CFA
Head, Philanthropy; Co-Head, Family Engagement

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Joe Bull, J.D.

Gifts of Personal Property, a New Opportunity During COVID-19?

Presented by:
Joe Bull, J.D.

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Stacy B. Sulman

Planned Giving in This New World: A Discussion of Gift Vehicles Within the Context of COVID-19

Presented by:
Stacy B. Sulman, J.D.
Vice President
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science

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Lynn Malzone Ierardi, JD

Principles of the Face-to-Face Visit: Engaging Donors During and After COVID-19

Presented by:
Lynn Malzone Ierardi, J.D.
Director of Gift Planning
The University of Pennsylvania

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Alexandra P. Brovey, J.D., LL.M.

Zen and the Art of Fundraising: Coping During COVID-19

Presented by:
Alexandra P. Brovey, J.D., LL.M.
Senior Director, Gift Planning
Northwell Health Foundation

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Emil Kallina, II, J.D., LL.M.

The CARES Act: Its Effects on Charitable Giving Law and Other Related Coronavirus Legislation

Presented by:
Emil Kallina, II, J.D., LL.M.
Kallina & Associates, LLC

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