Good news for planned giving: Bequests are up significantly, according to one of the most notable findings in the recently released Giving USA report. Giving by bequest increased 8.7 percent (7.2 percent adjusted for inflation) from 2012 to 2013—by far the largest percentage increase in any sector.
Charitable giving overall continues to move upwards toward pre-recession levels, according to the June report, Giving USA 2014: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2013, researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. U.S. giving was up 4.4 percent overall in 2013, with the following breakdown:
Giving by bequest | +8.7% | |
Giving by foundations | +5.7% | |
Giving by individuals | +4.2% | |
Giving by corporations | –1.9% |
Overall giving for 2013 was $335.17 billion, the fourth year in a row of increase, though still not back to the pre-recession level of 2007. Giving by individuals, while not up as much percentage-wise as giving by bequest, had the largest impact on the total because it represents 72 percent of all giving. Giving by individuals was up $9.69 billion.
"The growth in giving over the past two years suggests that a return to the peak level of total giving we saw prior to the recession could occur sooner rather than later, if recent growth rates in giving continue," said Patrick M. Rooney, PhD, associate dean for academic affairs and research at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, in a press release.
In terms of the recipients of gifts, there were increases to education, human services, health, and environment/animal-related charities. Giving was down to foundations and to international affairs.
A press release about the report is available at From there you can access a free executive summary and the site to purchase the complete report.